
Find out more about the London SPF.
Image of London skyline

The London Partnership was set up by employers, trade unions and NHS Employers' London engagement team.

Priorities for 2024/25

  • Scale the changes needed to help London as an anchor institution though championing the cause with leaders and influencers to increase engagement and links with networks. Focus on attracting young people to work in the NHS.
  • Accelerate the changes needed to improve inclusion and belonging and staff experience. The forum will work in partnership to promote and embed the #InclusiveHR five step challenge to change.
  • Position social partnership working as a key enabler for NHS staff working and training differently (including transforming people services).
  • Advocate and promote best employment practices through partnership working and, where appropriate, issue joint positions to endorse this. There will be a focus on improving sexual safety.

Achievements in 2023/24

  • We continued dialogue for a partnership approach across London to support systems to accelerate progress in attracting young people in London to work and remain in the NHS.
  • Our staff side members participated in the national people policy frameworks working group on menopause, pregnancy and baby loss.
  • We promoted job evaluation best practice and ways of working in partnership. 
  • We provided information to staff side and system leaders on the policy thinking and implementation of the Right Care Right Person policing model. A member of staff side was invited to join a working group on this.
  • We ran another successful annual London partnership conference - partnership working through challenging times and looking to the future.

Meet the team

  • Staff side chair - Phil Thompson - UNISON, Lead, London Health Unions 
  • Management side chair - Jinjer Kandola, Chief Executive of Barnett, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust, and Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust


For further information on the London Partnership, please contact the London team