
Supporting system change

The SPF is supporting effective partnership working in system transformation.

21 October 2022

Transition Partnership Group (TPG) evaluation

The TPG was a subgroup of the national SPF which included representation from NHS England (NHSE), Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), NHS Employers, integrated care systems (ICSs) and clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), a commissioning support unit, and NHS trade unions. The TPG was involved in supporting the safe transfer of 26 thousand staff members from CCGs, and other organisations, to integrated care boards (ICBs). 

After ICBs were established as statutory bodies in July 2022, the SPF secretariat undertook an evaluation on the role of the TPG in the transition. Read the evaluation report on the following web page. 

HR Framework Frequently asked questions (FAQs) 

These FAQs supported the implementation of the HR Framework for developing Integrated Care Boards. Access version 1.2 of the HR Framework FAQs.


These FAQs were developed by the TPG and were based on feedback received from surveys of UNISON and MiP members carried out earlier in 2022, and issues identified at TPG meetings. Access the ICB workforce transition FAQs

Equal pay and job evaluation in new NHS ICBs

In February 2023, following a request in the SPF Transition Partnership Group, the Job Evaluation Group of the NHS Staff Council produced a guidance note on equal pay and job evaluation for ICB employing organisations.

Access the equal pay and job evaluation guidance via the NHS Employers website.

HR Framework for developing ICBs

Published on 19 August 2021, the HR Framework set a clear national approach and principles for the handling the transition and provided practical support to complement regional and local change processes. The framework was produced in partnership by NHSE, employers and trade unions. An updated version of the Framework was published in March 2022. This version reflected changes to the timescales for ICB establishment. Access the updated HR Framework and supporting documentation.

ICS Design Framework and guidance on the employment commitment

On 16 June 2021, NHSE published the ICS Design Framework which covered some of the main ways NHS leaders and organisations would operate with their partners in ICSs. Published alongside the framework was guidance on the employment commitment. This document, which was developed in partnership through the TPG, set out what the employment commitment was, its application in practice and how it affects people. To access the ICS Design Framework and guidance on the employment commitment, see NHSE’s website.

Health and care jargon buster

The SPF has produced a jargon buster for staff working across the health and care system, to assist them with understanding the terminology used. It was last updated in September 2022. Access the jargon buster to learn more.

Developing the NHS People Plan in partnership

Listen to our podcast, recorded at a SPF People Plan workshop in 2019, to hear Danny Mortimer (NHS Employers) in conversation with Sara Gorton (UNISON), Claire Sullivan (CSP) and Colenzo Jarrett-Thorpe (Unite), on trade union involvement in the NHS People Plan.

Listen to the podcast